If you’ve watched television as of late, you will see an advertisement by AT&T. The commercial spot features several real-life scenarios that resonates as a consumer. These commercials shed light on important decisions we can all relate to from medical and childcare to more humorous ones like dining options. At the end of each spot, the viewer is asked “is ok good enough”?

In the second month of the new year, senior living executives and marketing professionals should ask themselves this same question. Is ok enough? If you’re pacing behind budget with vacancies to fill, it’s time to reevaluate your marketing plan ask is “just ok” good enough for your marketing and sales efforts?

When reviewing your January month end results in comparison to your marketing plan did your organization:

  • Achieve census goals?
  • Increase call to tour and move in ratios?
  • Increase referral sources?
  • Realize an increase in inquiries and traffic leading to more conversions?

If your answer to any of these questions is “we’re doing ok” then it’s not too late to reexamine your marketing plan and your strategic approach.

A solid growth strategy should focus on a multifaceted, multichannel approach. Today’s senior living executive should seek to implement a marketing strategy that is integrated with measurable marketing and sales efforts evident in the short term. Savvy marketers understand the fluidity of marketing plans and can proactively adjust initiatives so that strategic goals are achieved in the month for the month. From traditional and social media to public relations, advertising and sales, there are many lenses through which you can review your marketing plan to make sure it’s working for your organization.

So, based upon your January results, where will your marketing plan lead you in Q2?